i’m moving this month, and so far it’s going smoothly.

in the last nine years, i’ve moved ten times. most of the time, i only had to worry about my own things – but on one occasion i moved with two other people. i can’t yet call myself a moving expert, but i’ve become increasingly efficient at moving. i want to offer you, readers, some tips.

some of these are uninsightful, common sense tips – but things to hold close to your heart. when you’re moving: things get stressful, and common sense becomes… uncommon.

without further adieu:

don’t procrastinate

spend at least a week thinking about the move. and prepare to spend at least two days moving (if you’re able to take two days).

write out an inventory

and don’t inventory by room – rooms are too big. create zones that you need to pack, and use this to better plan your moving-tetris.

i super-recommend writing the inventory down, on paper or using a to-do list app on your phone.

plan to get rid of things

while you’re inventory-ing, make a list of things you no longer need – or need to replace. you could go the extra kilometre and make a list of things you don’t have but would like to.

again: write this plan down somewhere. it’s no good to you if you forget half of the plan.

plan to move the large things last

your small objects (books, records, kitchen objects, etc.) are the heaviest and most time consuming things to pack. get them packed and out of the way. these are also the easiest things to tetris and put into a moving vehicle.


this can apply to your moving experience in a number of ways. for me:

  • i make sure more than enough family members/friends are available to help move (and that none of them would have to do too much work)
  • i make sure i have lots of time to deal with the move, and lots of time with moving vehicles, elevator keys, and what have you.
  • nothing is held together with paperclips. my boxes and bins work, and won’t fall apart.

alright, so these are my initial moving tips. as i continue this next moving process, i may need to amend them.