Review: Foxcatcher (2014)
Foxcatcher (2014, dir. Bennett Miller)
- In biopic terms, the story and structure is understated and not unnecessarily contrived. Except that one scene.
- Casting Steve Carell seems risky, especially considering when this film came out. But it turns out that he was perfect for this role. Funny, a stressful person to engage with, but never a character worth laughing at.
- Casting everyone else turned out weirdly well. Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo play incredible brother-foils. Although, maybe the actors playing du Pont’s associates (Brett Rice, Guy Boyd) could have done less acting.
- Foxcatcher values wide, open spaces, and still, long shots—just like in real life. I like it when movies feel composed. I like it when biopics are not visual-aural cornfests.
- This was a pretty good biopic, even on second watch.